
This I Believe
For my example of rhetorical speech I decided to choose my “This I Believe” podcast. I believe this was my overall best assignment of the LA101H course. I was able to effectively recite my “This I Believe” paper with proper rhythm, tone, and cadence. I made minor revisions to this piece because I was extremely satisfied with the first result. Never before had I been able to make a solid recording like I was able to with my "This I Believe" speech. One of the major revisions I worked into this speech was changing how the audience is able to listen to it by making sure it was accessible to the audience unlike the first time I uploaded the speech. I had trouble embracing the technology when I first submitted the piece. I was proud of how i adapted to the technology that was so essential in making sure this project was completed.

The prompt was to follow NPR’s guidelines in explaining something that we believe whether it be something large or something small. The speech is brief but describes in detail what I specifically believe in. I chose to explain my belief in the power of starting the day off with a healthy breakfast. Although it seems like a minor thing to eat breakfast, I believe that it is imperative to have a good meal to start the day off.
                                         This I Believe Speech-Link to embedded player

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